Update 1/30/25: Several adjustments were made to this summary to reflect developments that occurred during the week.
Budget hearings are in full force for this week's SC legislative session. Liability reform is making its way through committee, and the full Senate is poised to resume floor debate on the Education Scholarship Trust Fund.
Legal Reform
- Tort Reform S.244 – Provides that a jury determine percentage of fault of the claimant and of any nonparty, using those percentages as a basis for damages. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee considers the bill thirty minutes after Senate adjournment on Thursday, Jan. 30.
- Liability Regulation S.184 – Allows for a licensee that sells, serves, or otherwise furnishes alcohol (bar or restaurant owners) to be held civilly liable to a third party for damages arising out of the sale or furnishing of alcohol. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee considers the bill thirty minutes after Senate adjournment on Thursday, Jan. 30.
- Education Scholarship Trust Fund S.62 - A rendition of last year’s ESA bill, establishing accounts to be used on the school of the students’ choosing, but this legislation establishes the SC Education Lottery as the funding source. This bill is currently on the Senate floor to be considered by the full Senate. Update: On Thursday, by a vote of 32 to 12 the SC Senate granted a second reading of S.62. After a third reading scheduled for next Tuesday Feb. 4, the bill crosses over to the House for consideration.
- Cryptocurrency S.163 – Prohibits use of federal central digital bank currencies by state and local governments and regulates digital asset mining. A Senate banking subcommittee hears the bill Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 11am.
- Audit Support S.253 – Permits the Department of Administration to expend funds on a third-party consultant to review the compliance of offices of State Treasurer, Comptroller General, and State Treasurer. A Senate finance committee considers the bill on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 3pm. Update: This bill has advanced to the Senate floor as amended.
Constitutional Law
- Article V: Balanced Budget H.3007 – Applies South Carolina to a convention of states to hear a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution for the fiscal restraint of the federal government. A House constitutional laws subcommittee hears this bill on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 9am. Update: This bill has advanced to the full House Judiciary committee.
- Article V: Term Limits H.3008 – Applies South Carolina to a convention of states to hear a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A House constitutional laws subcommittee hears this bill on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 9am. Update: This bill has advanced to the full House Judiciary committee.
- Disclosure of Economic Interests H.3570 – Withdraws chief administrative officials and employees of political subdivisions from having to file statements of economic interests, while clarifying and strengthening the reporting requirement of all candidates for elective office. A House constitutional laws subcommittee hears this bill on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 9am. Update: This bill has advanced to the full House Judiciary committee, specifically with section 6 stricken regarding withdraw of chief administrative officials and employees of political subdivisions from having to file.
Budget Hearings
Public Education and Special Schools Subcommittee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 one and half hours after House adjournment hearing from Governor’s School for Arts & Humanities, Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum, SC Public Charter School District, Erskine Charter Institute, and Limestone Charter Institute.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 10am hearing from Department of Education, Governor’s School for the Agriculture at John de La Howe, and School for Deaf and Blind.
Constitutional Subcommittee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 one and a half hours after House adjournment hearing from Adjutant General & Emergency Management Division, SC Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs, and State Election Commission.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 10am hearing from Office of the State Treasurer, Comptroller General, and State Auditor.
Economic Development Budget Subcommittee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 thirty minutes after House adjournment hearing from Department of Agriculture, Clemson PSA, SC State PSA, Sea Grant Consortium, Forestry Commission, and SCRA.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 thirty minutes after House adjournment hearing from Department of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism, Office of Resilience, Department of Archives & History, Department of Revenue, SC Housing, and JEDA.
Healthcare Subcommittee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 thirty minutes after House adjournment hearing from Department of Public Health, SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare, and University of SC – Brain Health.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 10am hearing from Department of Social Services, MUSC Hospital Authority, Area Health Education Consortium, and Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.
Transportation and Regulatory Budget Subcommittee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 one and a half hours after House adjournment hearing from Department of Transportation, Department of Motor Vehicles, and State Transportation Infrastructure Bank.
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 3pm hearing from Public Service Commission, Office of Regulatory Staff, and Department of Insurance.
Criminal Justice Budget Subcommittee
- Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 10am hearing from Law Enforcement Training Council, SLED, Department of Public Safety, and Department of Juvenile Justice.
Education and Public Works Committee
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 one and a half hours after House adjournment hearing from Commission on Higher Education, SC Education Lottery, and SC Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission.
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 4pm hearing from SC Education Oversight Committee, SC Department of Education, and SC Department of Motor Vehicles.
Study Committees
- Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 2pm insurance study committee meeting to approve the study committee report.