Statehouse Update January 21-23

Statehouse Update January 21-23

Week two at the Statehouse begins today. While the full House will not convene on the floor this week, there is no shortage of activity. Numerous committee meetings, including several focused on budgetary matters, are scheduled to take place throughout the week and warrant close attention.

Legal Reform 
  • Liability Regulation S.184 – This bill would allow for a licensee that sells, serves, or otherwise furnishes alcohol (bar or restaurant owners) can be held civilly liable to a third party for damages arising out of the sale service or furnishing of alcohol. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee considers the bill at 10AM on Tuesday, Jan. 21. 
  • Insurance Study Committee – The Insurance Study Committee meets Thursday Jan. 23 at 1:30PM to discuss and approve the Committees report.  
  • Debit card for lottery purchases S.169 – This bill authorizes the use of debit cards to purchase lottery items. A Senate Education subcommittee takes up the bill Tuesday, Jan 21. At 1PM. 
  • Streaming of school board meetings S.77 – This bill would require all school boards to adopt some form of livestreaming policies and livestream the entirety of regularly scheduled and special meetings of the full body. SCPC has advocated for this policy and continues to urge school boards to adopt this policy and promote transparency. The Full Senate Education Committee takes up the bill Jan. 22 at 10AM.  
  • Work experience credit for teachers S.78 – This bill would allow for teachers to gain one year of experience credit for every two years of full-time relevant work experience completed by the individual. The Full Senate Education Committee takes up the bill Jan. 22 at 10AM.   
  • Noncertified teacher pilot program S.79 – Aimed at addressing the teaching shortage in America, this bill would allow for South Carolina schools to hire noncertified teachers as 10% of the teaching staff, with restrictions and specifications. The Full Senate Education Committee takes up the bill Jan. 22 at 10AM.   
Taxes and Spending 
  • Full Senate Finance Committee – The Committee will be hearing from AlixPartners, the firm charged with investigating the missing $1.8B. The Committee is scheduled to meet at 2pm on Tuesday, Jan. 21. 
Gov. Structure 
  • Elimination of the Comptroller General S.35 – This bill proposes a constitutional amendment eliminating the position of Comptroller General. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee takes up the bill Tuesday, Jan 21, at 2PM.  Update: The bill was advanced to full Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • Joint Resolution S.51 – This bill is a joint resolution “to encourage Santee Cooper to issue a request for proposal to solicit proposals on utilizing assets associated with V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3 and for considerations related to a request for a proposal." A Senate Judiciary subcommittee meets at 12PM on Wednesday, Jan. 22. 
  • Santee Cooper Joint Project Authorization S.21 – This bill gives the Public Service Authority the power to jointly own investor-owned electric utilities, electrical generation and transmission facilities, the power to plan, finance, acquire, own, operate, and maintain those plants. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee meets at 12PM on Wednesday, Jan. 22. 
  • Energy Special Committee – A committee will convene on Wednesday Jan. 22 at 1PM aimed at addressing SC’s energy future.  
  • Anesthesiologist Assistants – This bill removes a regulation requiring anesthesiologist assistants to appear before a board member with a sponsoring anesthesiologist. A Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee meets Thursday, Jan. 23 at 10AM to take up the bill.  
Budget Hearings 

Higher Education subcommittee: 

  • Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 2:30PM hearing from the University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University. 
  • Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 11AM hearing form South Carolina Tuition Grants and Francis Marion University. 
  •  Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, at 9AM hearing from the SC Technical College System and Lander University. 

Constitutional subcommittee:  

  • Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 10AM hearing  from the Retirement System Investment Commission, the Public Employee Benefit Authority, and the State Election Commission. 

Healthcare subcommittee: 

  • Wednesday, Jan. 22,  at 10AM hearing from the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services, and the Palmetto Poison Center. 

Economic Development Budget subcommittee 

  • Wednesday, Jan 22, at 10:30AM hearing from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Archives & History, the Sea Grant Consortium, SCRA, JEDA, and the Office of Resilience. 
  • Wednesday, Jan 22 at 2:30PM hearing from the Department of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism and SC Housing.