Statehouse Update February 4-6

Statehouse Update February 4-6

Update 2/5/25: Adjustments were made to this summary to reflect developments that occurred during the week.

It’s a busy week at the South Carolina Statehouse, with major legislative debates on the horizon. The Senate is set for a third reading of the school choice bill on Tuesday, moving it one step closer to the House. Lawmakers will also take up liquor liability reform in a Senate Judiciary subcommittee, meanwhile the House is sorting through multiple proposals for an Article V convention.

Below you will find other bills and budgetary meetings taking place this week. For real-time Statehouse updates, be sure to follow us on X.

Legal Reform
  • Tort Reform S.244 – Provides that a jury determine percentage of fault of the claimant and of any nonparty, using those percentages as a basis for damages. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee considers the bill upon Senate adjournment on Thursday, Feb. 6. 
  • Liability Regulation S.184 – Allows for a licensee that sells, serves, or otherwise furnishes alcohol (bar or restaurant owners) to be held civilly liable to a third party for damages arising out of the sale or furnishing of alcohol. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee considers the bill upon Senate adjournment on Thursday, Feb 6. 
  • Liquor Liability H.3497 – Establishes a liquor liability risk mitigation program where if qualified, a business can have discounts applied to their insurance premium by the provider. This bill is set to be heard by a constitutional laws subcommittee on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 9am.
Constitutional Law
  • Article V: Balanced Budget H.3007 – Applies South Carolina to a convention of states to hear a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution for the fiscal restraint of the federal government. The full House Judiciary committee hears this bill on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 2:30pm/thirty minutes after House adjourns. Update: This bill has advanced to the House floor.
  • Article V: Term Limits H.3008 – Applies South Carolina to a convention of states to hear a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The full House Judiciary committee hears this bill on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 2:30pm/thirty minutes after House adjourns. Update: This bill has advanced to the House floor.
  • Disclosure of Economic Interests H.3570 – Amends the definition of public members who are required to file SCIs to include individuals who are nominated and appointed to a non-compensated part-time position on commission or include individuals who are nominated be required to file a confidential statement which will be made public only upon their ultimate appointments, while clarifying and strengthening the reporting requirement of all candidates for elective office (as amended by the subcommittee). The full House Judiciary committee hears this bill on Tuesday, Feb. 4.  Update: This bill has advanced to the House floor.
  • Childcare Tax Credits S.47 – Increases the maximum credit for childcare programs and allows for the application of credit against license and withholding tax liability. The Senate Sales & Income Tax Subcommittee hears this bill on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 2pm or upon Senate adjournment.
  • Debit Cards Used for Lottery Purchases S.169 – Allows for the use of debit cards for lottery game ticket purchases. A Senate education subcommittee hears this bill on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 10am. Update: This bill has advanced to the full Senate Education committee.
  • Education Scholarship Trust Fund S.62 - A rendition of last year’s ESA bill, establishing accounts to be used on the school of the students’ choosing, but this legislation establishes the SC Education Lottery as the funding source. By a vote of 32 to 12, the SC Senate granted a second reading of S.62. The bill is expected to have a third reading Tuesday Feb. 4, then crosses over to the House for considerationUpdate: On Tuesday the Senate officially advanced the bill to the House with a third reading vote of 31-9. Read our analysis of S.62 HERE
Budget Hearings

Economic Development Budget Subcommittee

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4 one hour after adjournment of the House hearing from the Office of Resilience
  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 10am consideration of provisos

Healthcare Subcommittee

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4 thirty minutes after the House adjourns hearing from University of SC – Neurological Hospital and consideration of general provisos

Higher Education Subcommittee

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 11am consideration of provisos

Public Education and Special Schools Subcommittee

  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 upon House adjournment hearing from ETV, First Steps, and consideration of provisos

Criminal Justice Budget Subcommittee

  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 9am hearing from Commission on Indigent Defense and Prosecution Coordination Commission
  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 thirty minutes after House adjournment hearing from Department of Corrections and Probation, Parole and Pardon
  • Thursday, Feb. 6 at 9am hearing from ethics commission and consideration of provisos

Senate Finance - Criminal Justice Subcommittee

  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:45am hearing from Department of Revenue, Department of Public Safety, State Law Enforcement Division, and Law Enforcement Training Council

Constitutional Subcommittee

  • Tuesday, Feb. 4 one and a half hours upon House adjournment hearings from the Governor’s Office, Department of Administration, and Department of Environmental Services
  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 10am hearing from Retirement System Investment Commission, Public Employee Benefit Authority, and State Fiscal Accountability Authority
  • Thursday, Feb. 6 at 9am hearing from SC Judicial Branch and consideration of provisos

Senate Finance K-12 Education

  • Thursday, Feb. 6 at 10am hearing from Governor’s School for Arts and Humanities, Governor’s School for Agriculture, and SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum